Christmas Music that sings of Christ

During Christmas time, there's not a lot of good Christmas songs.  Ironic?  While reindeer and chestnuts roasting may mean winter vacation, no greater song is this, that God would come in the flesh, for you.

So for in the true Christmas Spirit, I present 2 things.  First, the following website (with video preview).  And 2nd, the words to such a song to sing now.

At home, one of our favorite tracks to to sing together has different lyrics than in our hymnal, (LSB 384.)  So here are the lyrics as sung by The Seminary Kantorei - Concordia Theological Seminary, on the album, "With Angels and Archangels"  I couldn't find them anywhere on the net, but here it is, ready for your to sing along, with angels and archangels, of how God the Father's Love comes to us in this little babe.

Lyrics of "Of the Father's Love Begotten"
1 LSB1 Of the Father’s love begotten
    Ere the worlds began to be,
He is Alpha and Omega,
    He the source, the ending He,
Of the things that are, that have been,
    And that future years shall see
        Evermore and evermore.

2 LSB3    This is He whom seers in old time
    Chanted of with one accord,
Whom the voices of the prophets
    Promised in their faithful word.
Now He shines, the long-expected;
    Let creation praise its Lord
        Evermore and evermore.

3 O how blest that wondrous birthday,
    When the Maid the curse retrieved,
Brought to birth mankind’s salvation,
    By the Holy Ghost conceived,
And the Babe, the world’s Redeemer,
    In her loving arms received,
        Evermore and evermore.

4 Now let young and old uniting
    Chant to him harmonious praise
Maid and matron hymn Thy glory,
    Infant lips their anthem raise,
Boys and girls together singing
    With pure heart their song of praise,
        Evermore and evermore.

5 LSB4  O ye heights of heav’n, adore Him;
    Angel hosts, His praises sing.
Pow’rs, dominions, bow before Him
    And extol our God and King.
Let no tongue on earth be silent,
    Ev’ry voice in concert ring
        Evermore and evermore.

6 LSB5 Christ, to Thee, with God the Father,
    And, O Holy Ghost, to Thee
Hymn and chant and high thanksgiving
    And unending praises be,
Honor, glory, and dominion,
    And eternal victory
        Evermore and evermore. Amen.

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